Graph Technology Mini-Series

nevaal AG
2 min readJul 1, 2020


Part 3

Use Case: Customer Relationship Network

In Part 2 of our Graph Technology mini-series we introduced you to the idea of an internal company network and its benefits. In this article we want to take a step outside and give you an idea what staying in touch with your customers could look like with nevaal. The main idea is to connect the teams of your company with the teams of your customers in a social network.

The market researchers of IDC have shown that for 72% of all B2B buyers knowledge gathered through social networks is part of their decision-making. Data published by the federal statistical office of Germany confirms the important role of social networks in sales: 73% of major companies use social media in their sales strategy.

Using a customer relationship network can be helpful in many different ways. You connect the responsible teams on both sides, so there are more people than just the usual contact persons involved in the projects. The information is shared within the network, therefore it is easy for everyone to get into the topic within a few minutes and reports can be generated automatically. Many deals start with helpful advice and innovations are more likely to come up in this environment. In contrast to using other social networks you have full control over your data.

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

A customer relationship network can be used for more than it seems obvious at first sight. It enables you to bring together customers for cooperative projects and to connect other groups of your company with a customer group. It can be used to invite people to an event as well. The analytics function analyzes activities on the platform and connects them to other sales data to give you insights about your customer’s true needs.

Systems like the ones we provide at nevaal are until today mainly used in specialized supply chain management software. We have come up with a related solution for the finance industry and are now ready to make other branches profit from it. Let’s get in touch and evaluate your company needs!



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